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 White paper on crime 2005 Part2/Chapter6/Section4/4 

4 Rehabilitation

  Foreign probationers and parolees newly received in2004were1,453,an increase of11.5%from2003.Adult parolees(1,116persons)were the largest in number,followed by juvenile probationers(209persons),juvenile parolees(79persons),and adult probationers(49persons)(Source:Annual Report of Statistics on Rehabilitation).
  Fig.2-6-4-10 shows the number of foreign probationers and parolees(excluding permanent residents and special permanent residents;hereinafter the same in this subsection)as of the end of each year over the last10years.
  As of the end of December2004,880(94.9%)of927adult foreign parolees had been classified as to be deported,among whom,seven parolees were accorded provisional release,215persons detained,and658already deported(Source:The Rehabilitation Bureau,Ministry of Justice).

Fig.2-6-4-10  Number of foreign probationers and parolees(As of December31,1995-2004)

  Table2-6-4-11 shows the number of foreign probationers and parolees as of the end of December in each year from2002to2004,by nationality and by type of probation/parole.

Table2-6-4-11  Number of foreign probationers and parolees by nationality and type of probation/parolee(As of December31,2002-2004)