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 White paper on crime 2005 Part2/Chapter6/Section4/1 

Section4 Foreign National Offenders

1 Disposition by public prosecutors

(1) Visiting foreign nationals received by public prosecutors for criminal cases

  Table2-6-4-1 shows the number of visiting foreign nationals newly received by public prosecutors,by nationality for criminal cases(excluding professional negligence in traffic accidents and violations of road traffic related laws),over the last three years.

Table2-6-4-1  Number of visiting foreign nationals newly received by public prosecutors for criminal cases by nationality,etc.(2002-2004)

(2) Visiting foreign nationals disposed by public prosecutors for criminal cases

  Fig.2-6-4-2 shows the number of visiting foreign nationals finally disposed by public prosecutors for criminal cases(excluding professional negligence in traffic accidents and violations of road traffic related laws;hereinafter the same in this subsection)over the last10years.

Fig.2-6-4-2  Number of visiting foreign nationals finally disposed by public prosecutors for criminal cases(1995-2004)

  Table2-6-4-3 shows the number of visiting foreign nationals finally disposed by public prosecutors,by type of offense,for criminal cases over the last three years.
  In2004,24,994visiting foreign nationals were finally disposed for criminal cases(up by3.9%from2003),accounting for5.2%of the total disposed persons and78.0%of total foreign nationals finally disposed.By type of offense,of non-traffic penal code offenses(8,296persons),larceny had the largest share(56.6%),followed by injury(8.9%),robbery(5.7%),and embezzlement(including conversion of lost property,5.5%).Of special law offenses(16,698persons),Immigration Control Law violations had the largest share(81.5%),followed by Stimulants Control Law violations(3.7%).Drug offenses,including violations of the Stimulants Control Law,Cannabis Control Law,Narcotics and Psychotropics Control Law,and Opium Law,accounted for about6.4%of total special law offenses.

Table2-6-4-3  Number of foreign nationals finally disposed by public prosecutors for criminal cases,by type of offense(2002-2004)

  Table2-6-4-4 shows final dispositions by public prosecutors for visiting foreign nationals in criminal cases in2004.

Table2-6-4-4  Final dispositions by public prosecutors and prosecution rate/suspended prosecution rate for visiting foreign nationals in criminal cases,by type of offense(2004)