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 White paper on crime 2005 Part2/Chapter6/Section3/1 

Section3 Offenders related to Organized Crime Groups

1 Disposition by the public prosecutors office

  Fig.2-6-3-1 shows the prosecution rate for the number of persons finally disposed(excluding those for professional negligence in traffic accidents and violations of road traffic related laws;hereinafter the same in this subsection)and for such persons related to organized crime groups(regular members or quasi-members of a group with a tendency to commit illegal violent acts habitually or as a group;hereinafter the same in this subsection),over the last10years.

Fig.2-6-3-1  Prosecution rate of persons related to organized crime groups(1995-2004)

  Fig.2-6-3-2 shows the suspended prosecution rate for persons related to organized crime groups for major offenses,in2004.

Fig.2-6-3-2  Suspended prosecution rate for persons related to organized crime groups for major offenses(2004)