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 White paper on crime 2005 Part2/Chapter5/Section3/2 

2 Trends in probationers and parolees

(1) Number of probationers and parolees under supervision

  Fig.2-5-3-1 shows the trends in the numbers of adult probationers and parolees newly received by probation offices since1949.

Fig.2-5-3-1  Newly received probationers and parolees(1949-2004)

(2) Supervision period and number of persons under supervision

  Fig.2-5-3-2 shows the percent distribution of new adult probationers and parolees by supervision period in2004.
  The numbers of adult parolees and adult probationers under supervision were8,096and15,687,respectively,as of December31,2004(Source:Annual Report of Statistics on Rehabilitation).

Fig.2-5-3-2  Percent distribution of newly received probationers and parolees,by supervision period(2004)