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 White paper on crime 2005 Part1/Chapter4/Section4/1 

Section4 Female Offenses

1 Penal code offenses

  Fig.1-4-4-1 shows the number of females cleared for non-traffic penal code offenses and the female rate since1946.
  Female cleared rate per100,000population aged14or over for non-traffic penal code offenses had been between100and130since1989,but continued to increase since2001,reaching146.7(up by7.5points from the previous year)in2004(see Appendix1-1 ).

Fig.1-4-4-1  Number of females cleared for non-traffic penal code offenses and female rate(1946-2004)

  Fig.1-4-4-2 shows the percent distribution of females cleared for non-traffic penal code offenses by age over the last10years.

Fig.1-4-4-2  Percent distribution of females cleared for non-traffic penal code offenses by age(1995-2004)

  Table1-4-4-3 shows the number of females cleared for non-traffic penal code offenses in2004,by type of offense,compared with1985,1995,and2003.
  In2004,females cleared for larceny accounted for the majority at71.5%,followed by embezzlement(18.1%)and injury(2.4%).More specifically,approximately80%of those cleared for larceny committed shoplifting and most of those cleared for embezzlement committed conversion of lost property.
  The female rate was high for infanticide in homicide(95.2%)and shoplifting in larceny(44.2%).
  The juvenile rate in all females cleared for non-traffic penal code offenses was extremely high for such offenses as extortion(64.0%),injury(51.3%),and embezzlement(49.6%).

Table1-4-4-3  Number of females cleared for non-traffic penal code offenses,by type of offense(1985,1995,2003,and2004)