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 White paper on crime 2005 Part1/Chapter1/Section1/2 

2 Persons cleared

  The number of persons cleared for penal code offenses exceeded one million for the first time in27years in1998,and has been hitting a new post WWII high every year since1999,and reached to1,289,416persons(up by19,631or1.5%from the previous year)in2004.

Fig.1-1-1-3  Percent distribution of reported cases and persons cleared for penal code offenses,by type of offense(2004)

  Fig.1-1-1-4 shows the age distribution of persons cleared for non-traffic penal code offenses over the last30years.The share of those aged60or over has increased from2.7%in1975to14.5%in2004.The share of those aged65or over was9.4%in2004.

Fig.1-1-1-4  Age distribution of persons cleared for non-traffic penal code offenses(1975-2004)