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 White paper on crime 2001 Part3/Chap.1/Sec.4/3. 

3. School and delinquency

  Table III-1 shows the number of cleared cases of penal code offenses excluding professional negligence in traffic accidents, categorized as junior high school students and senior high school students, and their rates per 1,000 enrolled students in the last 10 years. The rates of senior high school students have been higher than those of junior high school students since 1995.

  Fig. III-13 Juvenile domestic violence, by educational and employment situation (1991-2000)

Table III-1 Number of juveniles cleared, categorized as junior high school students and senior high School students, among all juveniles cleared for penal code offenses, and their rates per 1,000 students attending schools (1991-2000)

  Fig. III-14 shows the trends in cases of school violence cleared since 1991. Both the number of cleared cases and number of juveniles cleared tended to increase since 1997. In 2000, the number of cleared cases was 994 (an increase of 40.6% from the previous year)and the number of suspects prosecuted was 1,589 persons (an increase of 30.2% from the previous year). The overwhelming majority of the number of juveniles cleared was junior high school students in each year.

  Fig. III-14 Trends in cleared cases of school violence (1991-2000)