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 White paper on crime 2001 Part 2/Chap.4/Sec.2/4. 

4. Reimprisonment

  Table II-13 shows the rates of inmates released in 1995 but reimprisoned by the end of 2000, by reason for release. According to this table, inmates released on termination of sentence have a tendency to commit repeat offenses sooner than those released on parole. Viewing the rates of reimprisoned inmates (according to the period from the date of release of the previous sentence to the date of committing the repeat offense that was the reason for reimprisonment) in 2000 by type of previous offense, the rate of larceny was 39.4%, that was the highest, followed by Stimulant Drug Control Law violation (27.7%) among reimprisoned inmates in less than one year of being released (see Appendix II-10 ).

Table II-13 Reimprisonment rates of inmates released in 1995

  Table II-14 shows cumulative rates of inmates who were released between 1991 and 1995 and reimprisoned within 5 years from being released, including the year of release.

Table II-14 Reimprisonment rates within 5 years from the year of release (1991-1995)