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 White paper on crime 2009 Part4/Chapter2/Section4/3 

3 Discharged juveniles

(1) Status of discharge and course of discharged juveniles

  In 2008, 4,033 juveniles were discharged from juveniles training schools, of which 3,994 (99.0%) were discharged on parole. The average term at a juvenile training school of juveniles discharged in 2008 was 150 days for those in general short-term treatment programs, 83 days for those in special short-term treatment programs, and 401 days for those in long-term treatment programs (Source: Annual Report of Statistics on Correction).
  With regard to the subsequent course of the discharged juveniles, 32.7% were subsequently employed, 43.0% were planning to be employed, 13.1% were planning to return to school, 3.5% returned to junior high school, 3.2% returned to senior high school, and 2.9% had no plan. The percentage of discharged juveniles who were subsequently employed or returned to school was 39.4% (down 0.4 points from the previous year) (Source: Annual Report of Statistics on Correction).

(2) Places to return

  In 2008 the percentage of discharged juveniles whose guarantors included both their biological fathers and mothers was 26.6%, down 2.4 points from the previous year to 26.9% for males and 4.4 points (id.) to 23.8% for females. The percentage of those whose guarantors were their biological fathers was 18.9% for males and 10.3% for females, their biological mothers was 36.8% for males and 42.5% for females, their biological fathers and stepmothers was 1.3% for males and 2.2% for females, stepfathers and their biological mothers was 4.7% for males and 6.1% for females, and halfway houses or volunteer probation officers was 3.1% for males and 6.1% for females (Source: Annual Report of Statistics on Correction).

(3) Status of re-admission, etc.

  For the re-admission to juvenile training schools and admission to penal institutions of discharged juveniles see Subsection 3, Section 5, Chapter 2, Part 7.