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 White paper on crime 2002 Part 4/Chap.2/Sec.2/3 

3 Criminal trial of juveniles

   Table 4-2-2-8 shows the types of punishment for juveniles convicted by ordinary first instance courts in the 5-year period from 1997 through 2001. The Table breaks down the data for 2000 and 2001 by offense.
  By offense, bodily injury caused by negligence had the greatest share in the number of convicted juveniles both in 2001 (over 40%), followed by Road Traffic Law violations (13.2%), bodily injury (10.7%), larceny (8.1%), and robbery (6.6%).

Table 4-2-2-8 Number of juveniles convicted by ordinary-first-instance courts, by offense (1997-2001)

Explanation of terms

Juvenile case:
A case for delinquents treated by a family court is called a "juvenile case."
In addition, a case suspected of juveniles at a stage prior to transfer to a family court, a case suspected of juveniles at a stage prior to institution of public prosecution to a criminal court of a reverse transfer of the prosecutor from a family court, and a case after institution of public prosecution are called a "criminal juvenile case."