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 White paper on crime 2001 Part 2/Chap.6/Sec.1/4. 

4. Relationship between victims and suspects

  Fig. II-27 shows the percent distribution of the number of cleared cases in 2000, by type of offense and according to whether or not the offender was an acquaintance of the victim. The percentages of crimes committed against relatives or other acquaintances were relatively high for homicide and bodily injury while the percentages of crimes committed against non-acquaintances were high for sexual and property offenses. Among property offenses, the percentages of crimes committed against acquaintances were higher for fraud and extortion than for robbery and larceny. Among sexual offenses, the percentage of crime against acquaintances was higher for rape than for indecent assaults.

Fig. II-27 Percent distribution of the number of cleared cases, by relationship between victims and suspects (2000)